Så er ASHRAE Standard 202, Commissioning Process for Buildings and Systems, lagt ud i en 45 dage lang offentlig høringsperiode indtil den 1. oktober 2012.
Dette er chancen for at erhverve sig dette guldrandede dokument
uden at betale!
Der er planer om, at når denne ASHRAE standard er rettet op
efter høringsperioden og endeligt udsendt, skal den redigeres med henblik på
udsendelse som ISO-standard. Vi har en rolle i dette arbejde ligesom vi har
været med ved tilblivelsen af den, der nu er i høring.
Vi vil arbejde for, at vi koordinerer arbejdet på europæisk
plan, således at der kommer en forholdsvis ensartet tilgang til Commissioning
Processen, uanset om man laver BREEAM, LEED, DGNB eller bruger en anden tilgang.
Kommentér på dokumentet, enten her eller via den officielle portal.
In English:
Now ASHRAE Standard 202, Commissioning Process for Buildings and Systems, has been posted for a 45-day public review period ending 1 October 2012.
This is the chance to acquire this valuable paper without paying!
When this ASHRAE standard gets approved the plans are to convert it to an ISO Standard.
We will work on coordinating the work at European level, so that there will be a relatively uniform approach to the Commissioning Process, whether you're doing BREEAM, LEED, DGNB or any approach.
Comment on the document, either here or through the official portal.
This is the chance to acquire this valuable paper without paying!
When this ASHRAE standard gets approved the plans are to convert it to an ISO Standard.
We will work on coordinating the work at European level, so that there will be a relatively uniform approach to the Commissioning Process, whether you're doing BREEAM, LEED, DGNB or any approach.
Comment on the document, either here or through the official portal.